Symposia Presentations:
The time available for each Symposium is 75 minutes sharp. One of the main responsibilities of the presenters is to properly prepare for their presentation, which includes ensuring that the presentation does not exceed the allocated time of 18 minutes.
Following the three oral presentations, a Discussant will provide a brief overview of the main issues. However, the Discussant should keep in mind that they are not giving a new presentation. After the overview, the Discussant will then moderate a 15-minute general discussion of the topic between presenters and attendants.
A volunteer will time the presentation and give a 2‑minute warning (yellow flag) to presenters at the 15th minute when they are approaching the end of their presentation time slot. This will allow the presenters to complete their presentation for the remaining 2 minutes of their timeslot. A red flag will be raised at the 17th minute when the presenter only has 1 minute before the next presentation.
Debate Symposia Presentations:
The time available for each Debate Symposium is 75 minutes sharp. One of the main responsibilities of the presenters is to properly prepare for their presentation, which includes ensuring that their presentations do not exceed the allocated time.
Within this timeframe, there will be a 20-minutes presentation by 2 presenters (presenter 1: ‘pro’ talk for 10 minutes; presenter 2: ‘con’ talk for 10 minutes), followed by a 35-minutes debate.
Oral Presentations:
Oral Presentations have a total of 12 minutes for each presentation. Your presentation should be prepared to be presented in 10 minutes with a 2-minute discussion time. Please respect this when planning your presentation to help us keep the time schedule.
A volunteer will time the presentation and give a 2‑minute warning (yellow flag) at the 8th minute and a red flag when you are approaching the end of your presentation time.
Short Oral Presentations:
Short Oral presentations have a total of 7:30 minutes for each presentation. Your presentation should be prepared to be presented in 5 minutes with a 2:30 minute discussion time. Please respect this when planning your presentation to help us keep the time schedule.
A volunteer will time the presentation and give a 2‑minute warning (yellow flag) at the 3rd minute and a red flag when you are approaching the end of your presentation time.
Note for Symposia, Oral and Short Oral Presenters:
We use the flag system to maintain the presentation schedule and to encourage dialogue and questions between the presenter and conference delegates during the final portion of the presentations.
All oral and short oral presenters must use the computers provided at the conference venue. No personal laptop or notebook computers are allowed for oral or short oral presentations.
Poster Presentations:
Posters should not measure more than size A0 119 cm high x 84 cm wide or 33.1” wide x 46.8” high (portrait style) and should be constructed from lightweight material (heavy posters will not affix to the boards). Presenters will be provided with the necessary materials to attach their posters to the poster boards.
Each poster will be allocated one poster board that corresponds to the poster session number. For the presenter’s convenience, double-sided tape will be supplied to mount the posters. Double sided tape will be available at either the Registration Desk or by the Volunteers assisting with the hanging of posters. On the day you are assigned, please ensure that your poster is attached before the first session which commences at 0800 hours and removed after the last session that same evening no later than 1700 hours.
If you would like to include the ISBNPA 2018 Logo in your presentation, please use one of the following versions (right click to save image):